We are Steve and Linda Blampied, the creators of Trinity Wellness.
We’re husband and wife team of coaching and personal transformation experts, based in the island of Jersey in the British Isles.
This short bio will give you some insight into who we really are and what led us to create Trinity Wellness Centre.
Linda is a qualified European Institute of Fitness Master Trainer certified in all aspects of fitness and nutrition.
Linda originally began her fitness career in the 1980s but family life and a successful career in the financial services industry took precedence
30 years later, after having reached the pinnacle of her finance career and the children having left home, she decided to follow her heart and completed the intensive EIF Master trainer program becoming a fully qualified personal trainer and nutrition coach.
Linda especially enjoys working with her female clients, her “ladies of a certain age”, helping them to not just get fit, but to get their entire wellbeing back on track for the “second half” of their life.

Steve is a certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practioner and Life Coach trained in many therapeutic methods such as Hypnosis, NLP, EFT, CMT, Matrix Reimprinting, and he’s the creator of the Mindfixer Method Therapy System.
Steve has always been fascinated by how our minds work and in 2006 he attended a course in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that changed the direction of his life.
A single EFT session during his training eliminated the pain from a 20 yr old injury overnight and from that point on he was hooked, quitting his former career in IT to study and work as a therapist and coach.
Since then Steve has worked with individuals, businesses and groups all over the world, eventually becoming known as “The MindFixer” by some of his followers.
A little of our story so far…
In 2014 we had the realisation that by combining our individual skills and passions we would be able to offer a unique service where we could help people make huge changes in their life. From this we created our business “TheLifeKey” re-branded as Trinity Wellness in 2021
It’s our belief that true Health and Wellness rests on the understanding that your mind and body are not separate things, and they exist within the setting of your environment.
Only by looking at your mental and physical health, together with the things around you, can you really make lasting changes.
Our skills as a team are ideally suited to helping you make those changes.
Some personal stuff:
We love what we do (so we can’t really call it work) but when we’re not “working” we will either be riding Harley Davidsons, walking our dogs, working out, Skiing or relaxing at our holiday home in France.
Linda is also a keen Marathon runner and Steve is a multi-instrumental musician.
We’re always happy to talk about how we can help you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
We look forward to speaking to you.